You and your Thermomix® are the perfect combination to save time, money and waste in the kitchen. The more you use your Thermomix®, the more you’ll save.
Whether it’s time, money or low waste, saving on these key areas in our lives is a fail-safe formula to feeling and living better. Luckily, with Thermomix®, there are so many ways to do it.
Whether you’re saving up for something special, keen to rack up the savings while usual costs such as daycare, restaurants and weekends away are still off the cards, or choosing to pay more attention to your finances for other reasons, with small changes, you can soon be saving oodles in the kitchen. This page is all about showing you how.
Firstly, why pay top dollar for shop-bought varieties of staples like yoghurt, butter, bread, wraps and muesli when you can easily make them at home? You’ll be saving on any added preservatives and/or additives while you’re at it and these kinds of savings really add up over time. So we say, “don’t buy, make it”. Here are some great recipe examples.
Time is so precious, so let’s take back some control as to how we spend it. We love how much time cooking with Thermomix® saves us, and we love making the most of this even more by making big batch meals to stock the fridge and freezer and using our Varoma® for multi-level cooking. The way we see it – if we’re using ‘Varoma’ setting or creating steam, we’ll be layering something up!
Here’s our tip for making the most of Varoma®: