Enjoy your holidays too, with a little planning

Here’s why Kami Ramini, Integrative Nutrition health coach and mum of two won’t go camping without her Thermomix® again.

Let me start with a confession: I’ve had my Thermomix® for over eight years and I have only in the last few years, taken it on holiday with me. I know… I give myself a virtual face-slap now when I read those words! How could I not have included something which makes my life sooooo much easier in my by-car travel plans? But I just hadn’t.

We’d pack up the car, drive to wherever we were staying or camping and either crack out the camp stove (if we were camping) or make do with whatever kitchen we found at the house we’d rented. No huge drama I’ll admit – we still ate and ate well. But this time, something clicked (probably my knowledge that I wouldn’t have time to pre-make much at all), a lightbulb went off and I decided I’d take my Thermomix® camping. So, I did a shopping list on Cookidoo® of quick and easy recipes I know the family like, sent it off for click and collect and a few days later, popped my Thermomix® on Transportation Mode and into the back of the car.

To say we will never turn back isn’t giving the game-changing truth of having my beloved Thermomix® with me at our campsite enough credit.

I will literally never go camping, glamping or travelling (by car) again without my Thermomix® and here’s why:

We practically never cracked out the camp stove:

This, for me, is enough of a game-changer in itself. We have small kids and while they’re pretty good and know they’re not to come too close, I’m still always a little nervous about the camp stove, especially things like boiling pasta water. If there’s the option, I’ve always gone and used the shared kitchens at campsites and cooked ahead to have meals pretty much ready to heat up. Having everything prepped is great but it also takes a lot of forward-planning that the busy-ness of life doesn’t always allow time for.

OMG, how amazing it was to set up the Thermomix® and do practically everything there!

On just one day, feeding our family of four, we had these amazing recipes from the Thermomix®:

  • Porridge (we added in frozen raspberries for the last 4 minutes to make “pink porridge” for the kids, which they loved). Never have I loved the “lock and leave” style of Thermomix ® porridge as much as this morning when I was walking the kids over to the toilets, putting on sun-cream, looking for hats etc. all the while with a warm and nutritious breakfast literally making itself.

  • Smoothies galore as mid-morning or arvo snacks.

  • Sausage ragu with orecchiette for dinner , I threw a handful of spinach in before serving and voila, dinner in a flash.

Alongside these recipes, we had wraps for lunch with the marinated tandoori chicken I had prepped a week earlier, fresh fruit and veggie sticks for snacks and of course those camping staples of pikelets, the traditional cheese platter at sunset, maybe a cocktail… and chocolate after dark!

The amount of cleaning was so contained

We all know how it is throwing all the pots, pans and dishes from each meal into the tub and taking it to the kitchen to wash up when you’re camping. Again, it’s all part of the cause but minimising the pots and pans and just taking my Thermomix® plus the plates (Thermomix® after a pre-clean of course!), was totally amazing. Enough said – honestly, game-changing in my mind.

Saved me time

We all know our Thermomix® saves us heaps of time and it’s no different when you’re camping/away. I sometime slip back into the “pre-Thermomix®” way of prepping but am getting more and more clued in to what works for my family and boy it saves me a heap time. Given that I’m on holidays too. On our barbecue night, instead of chopping salads by hand (admittedly only 10-15 minutes) and pulling out pre-made sides, I made the Broccoli salad. I spent those precious minutes practicing frisbee with my 5-year-old, instead of in the camp kitchen. #priceless in my book.

TIP: All you need to use your Thermomix® while camping or caravanning is access to power. To cook your favourite recipes on Cookidoo® without a WI-FI connection, simply save the recipes to your Collections before you go for offline access. Or download the Cookidoo® app and follow the steps that way.

Saves space

Having simple Thermomix® meals and snacks pre-prepped saves on lugging all those pots and pans. I can say with confidence, is that whether I’ve been able to cook ahead or not, only my Thermomix ® will be coming with me. All the other kitchen things, other than the coffee machine (old habits die hard), will be staying in their box in our garage. Because other than a barbie for a few of the nights, I reckon my Thermomix® will be doing it all, it would be silly not to.

Start planning your menu

Check out our favourite recipes to prep before or during your travels as well as easy meals to whip up alfresco.

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